Sunday, June 28, 2020

Barriers Involved In The Integration And The Way To Overcome Barriers - 1100 Words

Barriers Involved In The Integration And The Way To Overcome The Barriers (Essay Sample) Content: Evidence-Based PracticeNameUniversity AffiliationDateEvidence-based practice is considered an approach that is long-term and solves problems relating to the delivery of healthcare. It solves by integrating the best evidence from well-incorporated studies which is external evidence. It includes evidence collected from the data provided by the patients. There are eight basic steps that are used to integrate the evidence-based practice (EBP) into the clinical environment (Godshall, M, 2015). The steps depend on the previous step since they are relating. This process ensures that there is a platform that enables that best clinical decisions which result in the best outcomes are experienced by the patients.The first step is coming up with the questions that are relevant to the EBP culture and environment. This involves covering the inquiry that affects both the culture and environment of the EBP. This step will be followed by asking the questions to the relevant individual that may involve the patients (Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, 2011). The set questions set in the first step are the one that is going to be asked by the clinicians. The third step is identifying or searching the best evidence from the information acquired from after asking the questions. This is because the replies acquired after asking the questions may be relevant and others being irrelevant concerning the evidence hence the relevant is the one that is required must be identified.The next step is appropriately identifying the evidence extracted after asking the questions. This is done for validity, reliability, and applicability of the practice relating to the evidence for the purpose of integrating the evidence by use of the expertise of the clinical and preference of the patient so as to ascertain if the current practice should be changed (Godshall, M, 2015). If there is no change required in terms of the current practice hence the process will be over. In case the practice needs to be changed the next step follows which is integrating the new evidence by making the appropriate or favorable clinical decisions.The second last step is evaluating and determining the outcomes of the change of the practice. This enables one to be in a position to know the impact of the practice in general. The final step is disseminating the outcomes (Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, 2011). The process and outcomes of the EBP change must be disseminated since it is very vital because others learn of that practice that may produce recommendable outcomes.When one is implementing a new method to address evidence-based practice there are barriers that one is likely to be exposed to. The barriers include organizational culture and philosophy. Every organization like in our case is healthcare organization have their culture and philosophy (Godshall, M, 2015). The barrier is experienced when the implementation intended to be made is against the organization way of executing acti vities. The implementation must be consistent with the organization culture together with its philosophies.Lack of adequate knowledge and education concerning the evidence-based practice is also a barrier. Clinicians may not be conversant with the way the EBP works since they do not have its technical know-how. During the implementing new method, the workers may experience a lot of difficulties hence it's a barrier during the implementation of the new method. Lack of accessibility to the database is another barrier (Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, 2011). The database is the one that enables identification of best evidence out of all those that are provided after collection of the information. The one who may have identified the change may have made some mistake in picking the evidence hence leave the best evidence practice. The accessibility of the database will ensure that the best evidence is identified and therefore used to make a change.The resistance to change by the managers and leaders may also be a barrier during the implementation. This experienced where the opinion of the managers or leaders differs from the change recommended by clinical experts. The managers or leaders and clinical experts must come to an agreement which method to be implemented are favorable (Godshall, M, 2015). The resistance may also be from the nurses and physicians where the change is against their rights. Not being certain of where to look for information and how to critically collect the information is also a barrier in our situation. One must select those sources of information which are appropriate to avoid instances of a collection of incorrect information. The method of collection must be appropriate since the sources of information differ or are not the same. Also, the individuals that are providing the information are also not the same.Inadequate resources that facilitate the process of evidence-based practice is also a barrier. There must be available resources such as funds and personnel to ensure that the EBP process is fluent that is without stoppages (Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, 2011). Limitation of time is also another barrier. This is because time allocated to the EBP process may not be enough making the personnel carrying out the research making some assumptions which may be appropriate.The following strategies are going to use so as to ensure increased success and also curbing or overcoming the available barriers. The strategies include enhancement of individual healthcare and clinical managers or leaders about the knowledge and skills concerning the EBP. This is done by creating awareness concerning the EBP (Godshall, M, 2015). The awareness will make the leaders know the general overview and benefits of the EBP. This case will avoid instances relating to resistance to change by the leaders and the other staffs....